Monday, 10 March 2014

Supplement Your Memory

As you get older, you experience significant life changes. You may become less socially active, experience the loss of loved ones, need to adjust your lifestyle following retirement and possibly even have financial concerns. These life changes can lead to depression that can in turn lead to memory loss. 

Depression memory loss is real, but there are real solutions. Staying active is one key way to keep your mind sharp. Adding supplements to your diet is also a wise choice. Memory enhancing drugs that include vitamin B12, vitamin B6, folic acid and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) help curb fatigue, improve concentration and attention, and improve overall health. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps the body form healthy blood cells, helps prevent anemia that can lead to fatigue and tiredness, and lowers homocysteine levels. The production of healthy blood cells means improved blood flow to the brain, which helps increase brain function. Homocysteine is a protein by-product that can damage nerves and blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing dementia. 

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 lowers homocysteine levels. It also supports the normal function of the nervous system and helps promote increased attention and concentration. 

Folic Acid

Folic acid works in conjunction with vitamin B12 to facilitate the formation of blood cells. It also helps reduce homocysteine levels. 

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 

Found naturally in fresh vegetables such as cucumbers and peppers, NAC increases the body's glutathione levels: a primary antioxidant that reduces free radicals that can cause cell damage. NAC also works with B vitamins to lower homocysteine levels. 

You don't have to suffer from depression memory loss. Memory enhancing drugs that contain essential vitamins and acids can help you remain active by reducing tiredness and fatigue; improve brain function to help you concentrate, stay organized and remember things; and enhance your overall quality of life. 

For Further detail about vitamins to improve memory power and How to improve short term memory loss symptoms please visit the website.

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