One of the ways you can find out whether or not you are susceptible to a memory related problem or are developing one is to take a homocysteine levels test uk, which is an extremely reliable test that lets you know whether or not you have a deficiency in B12 Vitamins. The test itself is not very difficult to conduct or to have taken. As a patient, you must refrain from eating food or drinking anything except water for at least 8 hours before the test is taken. A doctor will then use a tourniquet to take a sample of your blood and then use it to conduct further tests that will let him or her know about the levels of vitamins in your bloodstream. If your memory loss is caused by something like a deficiency in these vitamins then Betrinac is certainly the right drug of choice for you as it gives your body exactly what it is lacking. With this, you can ensure that you do not have to become dependent on other people for your daily needs or even your daily activities.
To know more information about how to prevent Memory loss with age please visit the website.